sezione di transesterificazione
The transesterification section has a production capacity of 120,000 tons/y:
- - Continuous transesterification at atmospheric pressure and with basic catalysis is carried out in 2 reactors and several decanters.
- - Biodiesel is a mixture of methyl esters of fatty acids, vegetable oils and animal fats. The production process of palm biodiesel has been progressively improved with the introduction of units added to the transesterification plant. In particular, the installed distillation column provides the advantage of being able to work with mixtures of methyl esters from second-generation raw materials; biodiesel is used exclusively in automotive, as a diesel additive for the purpose of reducing the greenhouse effect, according to the European Standard EN 14214 and the European Standard EN 590. In the near future, a further increase in the addition of biodiesel to fuels used for automotive is expected, up to a value of approximately 20%.