sezione di distillazione
The methanol distillation section consists of 2 separate distillation columns, the first distills methanol-rich mixtures, the second distills methanol-lean mixtures.
To complete the facilities, a tank farm with a volume of 16,000 m3.
The plant is equipped with all the auxiliary services for production "utilities":
- - Cooling water
- - Compressed air
- - Nitrogen
- - Steam
- - DEMI water
- - Fire water and related equipment
- - 1 Steam generator 10 t/h 10 bar
- - 1 Thermal oil boiler 2.90 MW (Epoxidation, Glycerine refining)
- - 1 Thermal oil boiler 7 MW (Esterification/Transesterification)
- - 800 kW cogeneration plant
The plant has a Waste Treatment Plant (TAS).