

about Image
Chi Siamo

Greenswitch is a biorefinery that looks towards a more sustainable future for our planet, for those who live on it and for those who will live on it, implementing that "paradigm shift" proposed by the bioeconomy: the new economy that uses biological renewable resources as raw materials for the production of new materials.

Why Greenswitch?

Svolta verde is the literal meaning of the word Greenswitch, a Lucanian company operating in the field of green chemistry and more precisely in the production of bioproducts for industry, according to a model based on the green economy based on the use of renewable raw materials of agricultural origin for the benefit of environmental sustainability.

A look to the future

Greenswitch looks towards a more sustainable future for our planet, for those who live on it and for those who will live on it, implementing that "paradigm shift" proposed by the bioeconomy: the new economy that uses biological renewable resources as raw materials for the production of new materials.'


Greenswitch is well connected to the main airport, port and railway infrastructures, thanks to a vast road network. The 407 motorway is important, the main artery for north/south traffic. It should be noted that the Salerno – Taranto railway (along the Val Basento) passes 50 metres from the company.

  • - Nel luglio 2019 la Corte dei conti ha registrato il Decreto sull’istituzione di una nuova Zona Economica Speciale: ZES Jonica.

  • - Zes Jonica involves both Puglia and Basilicata, in particular the port and production area of ​​Taranto, the airport area of ​​Grottaglie and the industrial area of ​​Melfi, Ferrandina and Galdo di Lauria

  • - The Zes (Legislative Decree "Decree of the South") can represent an opportunity to support Lucanian companies thanks to the reduction of product trade costs and tax breaks (tax credits up to 50 million and administrative simplification)

  • - lang('Considerando che le aziende del Sud Italia realizzano il 65% del loro import/export via mare per un totale di 58 miliardi di euro, i porti del Sud possono svolgere un ruolo significativo per la proiezione internazionale delle filiere meridionali');?>

about Image Le Zone Economiche Speciali (ZES) sono uno strumento, ampiamente testato a livello internazionale, che prevede l’istituzione di prestazioni speciali per le imprese situate in un territorio specifico"